Books and readers топик. Топик "Мое хобби - чтение" (My hobby is reading)

Child psychologists believe that reading is one of the best habits that should be encouraged in children. Ninety percent of the things we learn during our lifetime come through books; therefore if we can"t read, we can"t learn.
Books appeared long ago. At first they were written by hand, but after printing was invented, it became easier to publish books. There are two large groups of books: fiction and non-fiction books. Fiction books are most popular with readers and include short stories and novels of different genres and poetry. Non-fiction books are dictionaries, reference books, historical books, biographies, encyclopaedias and others.
In my childhood, my mother read different books to me and that helped me to love reading. When I learnt to read, I was really happy because I could read books which I wanted and liked. At first, they were fairy tales, adventure stories and comics. Later, I was fond of detective stories and thrillers. Now I read historical novels and I realise that I do not know many things from history and it is so wonderful that I can learn them now and understand facts that I could not understand in my childhood. During my studies I also use non-fiction books like dictionaries and encyclopaedias to find necessary information.
Today television and the Internet have almost replaced books because these resources provide any information one wants and some people think that in the modern world we do not need books at all. I think, however, that books will never disappear, because reading gives us pleasure.
Modern technologies also made it possible for us to use electronic readers instead of paper copies of books. On the one hand, such readers are very convenient as you do not have to carry a thick book in your bag: you just take the reader and upload text files into it, so instead of several books you just
carry one light electronic device! In addition, you may also keep pictures and even music files on it. Lastly, it is more environmentally friendly to use an electronic reader - cutting down trees is not needed for their development unlike the process of producing paper copies.
However, everything has its disadvantages. To begin with, such readers are rather expensive and not everyone can afford them. One point against it is that free electronic texts to download are hard to find. Finally, paper books are more pleasant to hold in hands: touch their pages, turn them over, feel their smell. I have an electronic reader and it is convenient, but I still read paper copies of books too.
To sum up, it is impossible to live without reading and even if paper books may disappear in the future, people will never stop reading.

1. Вступление (the importance of reading, if we can"t read, we can"t learn, etc.).
2. Рассказать кратко об истории книгопечатания и двух группах книг (appeared long ago, were written by hand, printing was invented, two large groups, fiction: short stories and novels of different genres and poetry; non-fiction: dictionaries, reference books, historical books, biographies, encyclopaedias).
3. Рассказать о том, что вы читали в детстве, какие книги предпочитаете читать сейчас (In my childhood, fairy tales/adventure stories, etc.; Now I read...; During my studies I also use...).
4. Рассказать о чтении и книгах в современном мире и современных технологиях (television and the Internet, do not need books at all, modern technologies, electronic readers: advantages and disadvantages, etc.).
5. Заключение (То sum up, it is impossible to live without reading and even if paper books may disappear in the future, people will never stop reading.).

1. Do you read much?
2. What sort of books do you read?
3. Do you enjoy reading?
4. Should children be encouraged to read?
5. What are the advantages of reading? Are there any disadvantages? What are they?
6. Is it good to get the reading habit?
7. Do you read in English or in your own language?
8. Does reading help to learn a language?
9. When do you usually read?
10. Do you read newspapers?
11. Do you read magazines or journals?
12. What books do you usually use to get ready for your classes?
13. Do you think people should read more?
14. What will happen if we don"t read?
15. When should we start reading?
16. Do you think that people don"t read so much because they are busy watching television or surfing the Internet?
17. What would you do to encourage people to read? Is it difficult to encourage yourself to read? Why (not)?
18. What was your favourite book in your childhood? What is your favourite book now?
19. What is your favourite genre of books?
20. Do you read electronic books or prefer paper copies of books? Why?
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic readers?
22. Do you think that books may disappear in the future? Why (not)?
23. Where do you usually buy books?
24. Do you borrow books from a library or do you buy them?
25. Do you think that libraries may disappear in the future? Why (not)?

Fiction Художественная литература
action and adventure боевики и приключения
children"s книги для детей
contemporary современная проза
crime детектив
fantasy фэнтези
graphic novels/comics комиксы
historical fiction исторический роман
horror ужасы
humour юмористическая проза
mystery детективный роман
romance любовный роман
science fiction научная фантастика
short story collection . сборник рассказов
thrillers триллеры
young adult литература для подростков
Non-Fiction Научно-популярная литература
almanac альманах
art & photography книги по искусству
biography & memoirs биография/мемуары
blueprint план, чертёж
booklet буклет, брошюра
brochure брошюра
business & finance бизнес и финансы
cookbook кулинарная книга
dictionary словарь
encyclopaedia энциклопедия
gardening садоводство
gift books подарочные издания
guide гид, путеводитель
handbook справочник, руководство
history книги по истории
"how-to" инструкция
journalism журналистика
manual руководство пользователя
medical health & fitness медицина и фитнес
nature & ecology природа и экология
periodical периодические издания
pets о домашних животных
picture book словарь в картинках
psychology психология
reference справочник
self-help книги «помоги себе сам»
sports спорт
textbook учебник
travel книги о путешествиях

Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person"s character, from his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It"s a wonderful way of spending spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again.

Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is faithful and understanding friend. It can be put aside and taken up again at any moment. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood.

People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people developed much time to reading books and reading becomes their free time occupation, their passion.

Throughout the centuries books had an enormous influence on the minds and hearts of people. Books bind together ages, personalities. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries and ages. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings.

The book is the surest way to bring nations together. It helps people achieve understanding, trust, cooperation and friendship. Books awaken the young reader"s imagination. They develop literary taste, arouse interest and curiosity, the reader"s laugher as well as his tears. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest decisive, conscientious, frank, firm, fair and serious.

Libraries play an important part in the cultural development of people. People like reading, they have a desire learn they seek a knowledge. Books sat this desire. There are a lot of books in our country, in our flats. But it is difficult to buy all the books which we want to read. That is why we get books in public libraries.

Books shouldn"t be read only by pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. We can fond all kinds of books in the libraries. Books offer romance history adventure, autobiographers science fiction and humor in the form of short stories and novels, poetry, prose and plays as well as reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and so on.

In some libraries we can find books in many foreign languages. When a reader comes to a library for the first time he feels in library card and the librarian helps to chose something to read. The reader is allowed to borrow books for a certain number of days. The catalogues help the reader to find the books and not damage them in any way. Readers come to the reading rooms to study and prepare materials for their reports or for their scientific work.

Польза не во многих, но в хороших книгах. Читая такую впервые, мы испытываем такое же чувство, как при обретении нового друга. Прочитать старую книгу вновь — означает снова увидеть старого друга. So, how many "old friends" do you have?

Essay on Books

There is a quote that I’d like to share with you, guys, ”A book is a dream that you hold in your hand”. - Neil Gaiman

Books are wonderful! They accompany us during all our life. When you read you enrich your mind and broaden your knowledge. People who read books are intelligent. Books are also an entertainment. You and the characters of the book you are reading can find yourselves in different countries and have a lot of adventures. Just imagine — new characters, scenes, lives, events! It"s like real life in miniature!

A book can be a faithful friend and a teacher. Reading a book you open new horizons for yourself. A book can form our values and characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future and to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. Too bad people started to read less. But it, of course, depends on the author greatly as well, on his or her talent.

Books are of great help in any education. With the help of the Internet, we can find and read online almost any book or literary piece on the Internet. And I find it quite convenient because it saves a lot of time. But I’m sure that no matter how convenient it is to get a book online, there is still no bigger pleasure than reading a printed one.

I’m fond of reading different genres like historical novels, detectives or science fiction, tales and legends. In my small library at home, I have some printed books which are important to me. Books like Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, Life of Alexander the Great and others. I like to re-read them from time to time, sometimes I make some notes on their pages and just smell the scent of childhood and magic.

Never forget that books are worth reading.

Книги — это замечательно! Они сопровождают нас на протяжении всей нашей жизни. Когда вы читаете, вы обогащаете свой ум и расширяете знания. Книги — это развлечение. Вы и персонажи читаемой книги можете побывать в разных странах и испытать множество приключений. Просто представьте — новые персонажи, сцены, жизни, события! Это как настоящая жизнь в миниатюре!

Книга может быть верным другом и учителем. Читая книгу, вы открываете для себя новые горизонты. Она может сформировать наши ценности и характеры. Она дает нам возможность представить будущее и заглянуть в прошлое. Можно многому научиться, читая книги. И я уверена, что время, потраченное на хорошую книгу, никогда не пропадает даром. Очень жаль, что люди стали меньше читать.

Книги помогают в любом образовании. С помощью Интернета мы можем найти и прочитать онлайн практически любую книгу или литературный фрагмент. И я нахожу этот способ довольно удобным, так как это экономит много времени. Но я уверена, что независимо от того, насколько удобно достать книгу в Интернете, до сих пор нет большего удовольствия, чем чтение печатной книги.

Мне очень нравится читать разные жанры: исторические романы, детективы, научную фантастику, сказки и легенды. У меня есть несколько печатных книг в моей небольшой домашней библиотеке, которые важны для меня. Книги, как Алиса в стране чудес, Властелин колец, Жизнь Александра Великого и другие. Мне нравится перечитывать их время от времени. Иногда я делаю пометки на страницах и просто вдыхаю запах детства и волшебства.

Никогда не забывайте, что книги стоят того, чтобы их читали.

Похожие сочинения


Project for English

Teacher: Ljubov Aleksandrovna

Student 8 form: Gavricova Kristina

Project for English « Books»

Слайд 1 . A matter of honor for each student to store their

Слайд 2. The story of the first book in Russia originates from the

era of Tsar Ivan the terrible, the king, the myths and

rumors which greatly exaggerated - from the point of

view of its "severity.

Слайд 3. Manuscripts of ancient Rus, which have come down to usit"s ancient monuments, unique exhibits, which are stored under special conditions. This book of the beginning of XI

Слайд 4. I"ve always been sure that books are living things. Just not like us, but to your mood, character, goal and philosophy.

Слайд 5 . Children with their parents like to read books. They teach a lot of things to both children and parents.

Слайд 6. Thank you for attention!

Project consist of:


    1. .


A book is man"s best friend

When you look at the shelves of books, accumulated over many years of collecting, I recall not only their contents, their authors and publishers, but also the circumstances under which these books appeared, the subsequent fate of many of them, sometimes as interesting as the book itself. Each of them reminds about how, when and from whom she came to you on the shelf. The book is many, many hours spent on their search time, in different cities of our country, different people

Early childhood book is our constant friend, adviser. The book is a whole world, plunging into which, we learn the laws of life, good build tomorrow.

Smart book is the thing over which not imperiously time. We once again read the precious book. They – correctly folded words, wise thoughts, logical reasoning, unusual junction, a fantastic event. The book can keep us in suspense until the last. That"s what power is given to the book.

In today"s world you must be able to work with information. To work well with the information you need to learn how to read books.

Earlier books were written manually, now they are printed

Книга - это друг человека :

Когда смотришь на полки с книгами, накопленными за много лет собирательства, вспоминаются не только их содержание, их авторы и издатели, но и обстоятельства, при которых эти книги появились на свет, последующая судьба многих из них, порой столь же интересная, как и сама книга. Каждая из них напоминает еще и о том - как, когда и от кого попала она к вам на полку. Книги - это многие, многие часы потраченного на их поиск времени, разные города нашей страны, разные люди.

С самого раннего детства книга является нашим постоянным другом, советчиком. Книга – это целый мир, окунаясь в который, мы учимся законам бытия, добру, построению завтрашнего дня.

Умная книга – это вещь, над которой не властно время. Мы вновь и вновь перечитываем драгоценные книги. В них – правильно сложенные слова, мудрые мысли, логические умозаключения, необычные развязки, фантастические события. Книга может держать нас в напряжении до последнего. Вот какая сила дана книге.

В современном мире необходимо уметь работать с информацией. Чтобы хорошо работать с информацией нужно научиться читать книги.

Раньше книги писали вручную, в сейчас их печатают.

Literature is the greatest human property. It is generally known that Russian literature is one of the most voluminous in the world. A. Pushkin, I. Turgenev, I. Goncharov, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, A. Chekhov are the leaders of the world classical literature. They set a pattern for language, subject matter, and narrative techniques of Russian and world literature. Their works attract readers even today, because everybody can find something special there.

Ivan Turgenev successfully linked social problems with true literary art. His "Hunter"s Sketches" and "Fathers and Sons" depict Russia"s life with realism and with artistry which make these works classics. The problem of the generation gap discussed in his "Fathers and Sons" is very acute today. The everyday life of the Russian provincial gentry is perfectly described by Goncharov in his famous novel "Oblomov". The writer shows how the best and the brightest men can degenerate if they do not see how to use and develop their talents.

Leo Tolstoy and Feodor Dostoevsky are recognised as the best Russian writers. They give a realistic picture of the Russian society of the 19-th century. Their research in a person"s inner world is unique. Their characters do not always know what they really want, and when they think they do know, the fate breaks their illusions. Moral issues are raised in Tolstoy"s and Dostoevsky"s works. Tolstoy"s "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" as well as Dostoevsky"s "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brother Karamazov" focus on serious human problems.

The end of the 19-th century was dominated by Anton Chekhov. He contributed to two genres: short stories and drama. His short stories are really short, but powerful. They make people laugh and cry at the same time. Some of his stories may seem very cruel, but Chekhov simply reflected the Russian life in his prose. His plays are not numerous, but they are really outstanding. "The Cherry Orchard" is his best known play. It is an emotional drama of the decline of a Russian noble family, which shares the fate of the Russian nation.

I also like British literature. My favourite writer is Oscar Wilde. His reputation as a dramatist rests on his comic masterpiece "The Importance of Being Earnest". Within the social intrigues and artificial devices to resolve conflict, Wilde used his wit to create a form of comedy new to the English theatre. Oscar Wilde was the representative of the late 19-th century Aesthetic movement in England. It proclaimed art for art"s sake. Wilde was born in Ireland; he went to Trinity College in Dublin, and later continued his education at Oxford. During the years of study Wilde distinguished himself not only as a classical scholar, but also as a poet by winning the popular prize for his poem. In the early 1880s Wilde established himself in social and artistic circles. His most powerful novel is "The Picture of Dorian Gray." In this novel Wilde shows the darkest corners of a man"s soul. The author"s message can be interpreted in the following way: a person who loves only himself will never be able to realise himself.

America gave the world many great writers. Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Рое, and Walt Whitman dominated in the 19-th century literature. The great American writers of the 20-th century were Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

My favourite American writer is Edgar Allan Рое. Не was an outstanding poet and a short story writer. In Europe Рое was considered the only American poet of significance, the one who created literary works of many varied forms. Рое expressed his deep and sincere feelings in his poems. Edgar Allan Рое is mostly remembered for establishing new symbolic poetry. The "Raven" is his best known poem. The poet used symbols, following the ancient traditions. It is the ancient poetry that helped him to find the unusual rhythm. The symbolic meaning of the "Raven" is unclear; raven is a symbol of eternal life as well as the herald of death. Numerous readers in the United States and other countries admire Poe"s short stories. He was the inventor of the detective stories that became very popular in the 20-th century. Рое won recognition and admiration of the Russian readers very quickly. "The Gold Bug", one of Poe"s best stories, was published in the United States in 1843 and in 1847 it was translated into Russian. Poe"s poetry had tremendous influence on the Russian poets of the beginning of the 20-th century. Such outstanding Russian poets as Balmont and Brusov admired Poe"s poetry. They translated his poems into Russian, and used his motives in their lyrics.

Do you like to return to the books that you have once read?

Yes, I do. There are certain books that I can read any time from virtually any page. Each time I open these books I discover there something new, something that I have missed or misinterpreted during my previous reading. Some people say that rereading books is boring, that there are so many books that they have not read yet, that they will never return to the books they have already read. I can not agree with it. There are many books that are not worth even a single reading, while there are others that have numerous layers. Most of all I like to return to the books that 1 have already read every couple of years just to compare in which way my perception of the author and his book has changed.

What are these books?

It would take me some time simply to mention the books that I love to reread. One of these books is "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. When I first got acquainted with this wonderful novel I did not know how to read and my mother read it to me. The first thing I did when I started reading myself was reading "Tom Sawyer." It was as if I met the old friend. Later I was rereading some episodes that I liked most of all and each time I discovered something new. For example, when I was a kid I thought that the adventures of Tom and Huck constituted the most important part of the book. Later I started to understand the humour of Mark Twain. Since my first acquaintance with this author I have read many other novels and short stories by Mark Twain. Reading "Tom Sawyer" again and again enhanced my understanding of Mark Twain not only as a writer, but also as a personality. Now I am trying to read the novel in the original, I think that this will help me to understand both Mark Twain and Tom Sawyer better.

What do you read when you want to have some rest?

As I have already mentioned I read Mark Twain"s stories and novels a lot. But of course there are other English and American writers whom I admire. When I want to have some rest I like to read Jack London"s Alaskan stories such as "The White Silence", "Call of the Wild", and "Burning Daylight." They are unforgettable. Jack London knew the life of the North perfectly well. He met his characters in real life. He was familiar with their needs and troubles. One of J. London"s best stories is "White Fang." It is a story about the adventures of a wolf, who was tamed by the Indians as a sledge dog, and who little by little perceived the law of life: to eat or be eaten. White Fang, is not only the title of the novel, but the name of the wolf as well, who eventually understood that love and kindness ruled the world. I believe that Jack London loved animals. He wrote a lot about them.

Do you read the books of British and American writers in the original or in translation?

It is much easier to read books that are already translated into Russian. At the same time I am reading some books in English that are specifically adapted for Russian pupils. Reading such books is not only fun; it helps me to improve my English, so that I shall be able to read the works of British and American authors in the original. As I have already said, at the moment I am reading "Tom Sawyer" in the original. This is not an easy task for me. But I know this book very well, and this helps me a lot. Thus I can say that reading Russian translations of the English books is the first step toward reading them in the original.

Список литературы

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